The challenges of clubs in the digital age

October 24, 2020 by No Comments

Surely you have heard this phrase several times: “if you are not present on the Internet, you do not exist”. Well indeed, luckily or unfortunately, there is a growing trend towards this reality.

Being present on the Internet is much more than having a basic website, a logo and profiles on social networks. Prior to all this, you must set a good online strategy, with well-defined objectives for a correct communication of your club.

Are you clear where you want to be and who you want to reach ? This is very important. Many times we want to run more than we should, and we do not do things well. You cannot start the house with the roof, and when the work is done well, the results come alone.

1- Website

For your online presence, it is better to leave it in the hands of professionals in the sector. A web page is much more than just a description and a beautiful photo. A page is like a small child, it requires a lot of attention and dedication: constant reviews, content updates, image changes, optimization, etc …

It is very important to update both the opening hours of the club, as well as the changes in the class hours, in addition to information about registrations and fees. Don’t forget to have a contact number or email that they can turn to for any questions your client may have, facilitating the process without having to physically go to the clubhouse for it. But in this digital world, not all consumers browse to buy, there are also those who only look for valuable content.

2- Blog

Therefore, to attract and retain the latter, a very interesting point is to have a blog about news from your club or upcoming events, even talking about topics of interest. In addition, you must have all updated content , both on your website and on social networks.

Another point to highlight regarding social networks are promotional campaigns. You can monetize campaigns if the content you create is good. But beware! A common mistake that is often made is putting money into a campaign and then not investing in analyzing it. Creating good content is just as important as seeing the impact it creates on your audience, because if it doesn’t work, it will help you change your communication strategy.

3- Social networks

On the other hand, a good idea to attract partners may be to take advantage of social networks to make yourself known and get notoriety , since it is a relatively medium. cheap and with much reach .

If you do it well and reach a lot of people, you can attract the attention of sponsors who collaborate with your club. The Internet is a great stage in which making yourself known is a competition with other clubs. You must stand out from the rest, but yes, you must know your audience well and know what they want. In the end, and I end up in a club, those who decide are its members.

4- Tools for the club

So far we have talked about being present on the Internet for the Club’s profile, but when we talk about sports management it is very different. Here, the digital environment becomes essential, since it becomes one more element of the customer experience. Waiting times are reduced to carry out any procedure or consultation, in addition to having everything within reach without the client having to move from home. It consists of giving the user what they ask for, making life as easy as possible.

This is where the importance of being able to have all these procedures in the same platform resides, from which they can make both member registrations, as well as payment of fees, equipment, etc.

On the other hand, the main advantage for the directors of the clubs is that it greatly improves the task management processes, reducing the time and the effort that goes into them. You will have at your disposal all the procedures on a single screen, more comfortable and intuitive than ever. Take a look at the tricks we give you to optimize the management of your club .

In short, get to know your customer, set clear goals, plan a digital strategy and take advantage of your strengths. Today, who does not start to digitize, is not left out.

It is not about selling a product, but about selling an experience that allows you to improve and grow as a club thanks to the advantages that the Internet provides us. Leave the paper at the copy shop, it’s time to go digital!

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